NUMATICS Disposable Inline Filters

Numatics disposable in-line filters include the PL Series polyurethane straight and nylon dual barbed styles as well as the PT Series nylon straight and 90 degree barbed styles. Both offer coalescing and particulate element grades. Our PH and PX Series extended polyester housings offer particulate as well as HEPA and ULPA elements grades. The PH Series also offers a clear polycarbonate desicant dryer option utilizing blue silica gel. The all metal MF Series also offers both coalescing and particulate element grades.
Numatics Disposable In-Line Filters Standard Products Include:
PLT Series Straight ¼ “ Style
PLB Series Dual Barb for ⅛ or ¼ “ Tubing
PTB Series Straight for ⅛ “ Tubing
PTBN Series 90 Degree for ⅛ “ Tubing
PH02 Series High Flow Housing¼ NPTF
PH02B Series High Flow Housing ½” Barb (Outlet Only)
PX02 Series Extended Housing ¼ NPTF
PHS02 Series Desicant High Flow Housing ¼ NPTF
MF05 Series Metal Housing ¼ NPTF
Numatics Disposable In-Line Filters Options & Features Include:
PL Series Coalescing Element Grades 0.01, 0,3, 0.5, 1.0 Micron
PL Series Particulate Grade 5.0 Micron, Carbon & Silica Gel
PT Series Coalescing Element Grades 0.01, 0,3, 0.5, 1.0 Micron
PT Series Particulate Grade 5.0 Micron
PL & PT Series Options for Oil Indicating Dye & PTFE Binder
PH & PX Series Particulate Grade 3.0 Micron Pleat
PH & PX Series HEPA High Efficiency & ULPA Ultra Low Particulate Air
PHS & PHX Series Dryers Integral 3.0 Micron Pre & After Filters
PHS & PHX Series Blue Silica Gel turns pinks indicating replacement